
The Catalog

  • Operation Retirement Readiness Episode 26 Logo - Podcast Year In Review

Episode 26: Podcast Year In Review

Summary In this episode, Amy and Mike discuss the key themes and topics covered throughout the year, focusing on resolutions, financial planning complexities, education funding, retirement systems, and what to

December 19th, 2024|
  • Operation Retirement Readiness Episode 25 Logo - End Of Year Planning

Episode 25 – End of Year Planning

Summary In this conversation, Mike and Amy discuss essential financial planning strategies to consider as the year comes to a close. They cover topics such as maximizing retirement contributions,

December 5th, 2024|
  • Operation Retirement Readiness Episode 24 Logo - Social Security Case Studies

Episode 24: Social Security Case Studies

Summary In this conversation, Amy and Mike discuss the complexities of Social Security claiming strategies for couples, using three Social Security case studies to illustrate different scenarios. They emphasize

November 21st, 2024|
  • Operation Retirement Readiness Cover Page: Social Security Overview

Episode 22: Social Security Overview

Summary Amy and Mike talk about the complexities of Social Security Retirement Benefits, focusing on its significance for retirees, the intricacies of claiming benefits, and the impact of taxation. They

October 25th, 2024|
  • Operation Retirement Readiness Cover Page: Long-Term Care

Listener Question: Long-Term Care

Summary In this conversation, Amy and Mike discuss long-term care insurance and how to plan for long-term care. They explain the different types of insurance available, including traditional long-term

September 12th, 2024|
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